Routing Number Lookup



Need to verify a bank or credit union's check routing number? Our routing number lookup service can help! With details of 18,000 routing numbers belonging to 1,200 banks and credit unions, our service is a resource for finding and checking routing numbers in the United States. Simply visit our website and search for the bank or credit union you are interested in, and you'll be able to access all the routing numbers associated with that institution. Our service is fast, easy to use, and completely free, so if you need to find a routing number, be sure to check us out!

“ Over 18000 routing numbers in database. ”
“ Transit number over 1200 banks and financial institution of USA ”
“ Find out FedACH numbers by city and states of USA ”

What is a routing number?

Routing numbers - is a nine-digit code that is used to identify a financial institution in the United States. It is also known as an ABA routing number or routing transit number, and it is used to route electronic payments, such as direct deposits and wire transfers, to the correct financial institution.

Who are they used by?

Routing numbers are used by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to process electronic transactions. They are assigned by the American Bankers Association (ABA) and are unique to each financial institution.

Where he can be found?

Routing numbers are typically printed on the bottom of checks and are also used when setting up direct deposit or making electronic payments.

Which routing numbers you will find?

Routing numbers that appear in this directory apply only to US financial institutions.

Where routing number can be found?