061110382 routing number Pinnacle Bank Elberton

061110382 Routing Number - Your Guide to Pinnacle Bank

Are you looking for information about routing number 061110382? Our routing number lookup service will have you covered! This unique number belongs to the Pinnacle Bank branch in Elberton, Georgia, and is used to identify this financial institution and routing transit number (RTN) in the United States. Use routing number 061110382 to ensure your electronic funds transfers are directed to the correct account. You can get more information about this routing number and other financial institutions by using our routing number lookup service.

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Understanding Routing Number 061110382

Routing number 061110382 is a 9-digit code used to identify financial institutions in transactions. Known as an RTN or transit number, it ensures accurate direction of your funds.

What Bank Uses Routing Number 061110382?

This routing number is linked to Pinnacle Bank in Elberton, GA, highlighting the specific branch where the account was established.

When Do You Need a Routing Number

The routing number 061110382 is essential for funds transfers to or from your account. Note that it's not used for debit or credit card transactions.

Locating the Routing Number on a Paper Check

Find the 061110382 routing number at the bottom left corner of your check or on your Pinnacle Bank statement.

061110382 routing number on a paper check

FedACH Routing Number 061110382 - Pinnacle Bank

Routing Number061110382
Office CodeMain office
Servicing FRB Number061000146
Record Type Code2
  • 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank
  • 1 = Send items to customer routing number
  • 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field
AddressAttn: Donna Webb
StateGeorgia (GA)
Zip Code30635
Telephone(706) 283-2854
RevisedApril 8, 2010
Institution Status Code1

Code is based on the customers receiver code
1 = Receives Gov/Comm

New Routing NumberBank institution's new routing number resulting from a merger or renumber

Find PINNACLE BANK Of Elberton , Attn: Donna Webb Location on Google Map :

What Determines a Routing Number?

06 - Indicates the type of financial institution.

11 - Federal Reserve Bank district branch identifier.

1038 - Location of account opening.

2 - Check digit confirmation number.